Big Idea Wiki

Almost every show from Big Idea would often break the fourth wall by certain characters.


With the exception of the countertop segments, there would be occasional fourth wall breaks or glances.

  • Where's God When I'm S-Scared?:
    • During the beginning of the story of Daniel, he accidentally hit his face on the screen.
    • When the Scallions sung the last line of "Oh No", they faced the audience dramatically.
    • After Daniel heard the narrator say trouble, he asked if the narrator said "trouble".
    • The leader Scallion smirked at the audience after his plan to get rid of Daniel works.
  • God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?! - Bob and Larry interacted with the characters in the first story.
  • Are You My Neighbor?:
    • Larry asked "Is that music?" before the Mayor started singing "Busy, Busy".
    • After said song the song, the Mayor and Doctor faced the audience and the former said "Ta-Ta".
  • Rack, Shack and Benny: Grandpa George said "But this time anyway." when he faced to the audience.
  • Dave and the Giant Pickle:
    • Bob said "Shoo there, Fluffy." to a sheep.
    • Dave introduced himself, and explained his problems with his brothers and the sheep.
    • Dave gave an irritated look to the audience.
  • Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!-
    • After Larry said "Consider our game, postponed!", Alfred looked at the camera nervously before the screen faded to black.
    • Larry-Boy gave a disgruntled look at the camera when Alfred told him that he haven't labeled the buttons in his Larry-Mobile.
    • When Bob said "He's not joking" he noticed a watermark for the "LarryBoy Theme Song"
  • Josh and the Big Wall!:
    • Josh asked if he knew Bob, to which he replied that he's the narrator.
    • The Angel looked at Bob and Junior after Josh mumbled in the sand.
    • After the Israelites started complaining, Junior talked to them and sang The Lord Has Given.
  • Madame Blueberry:
    • When Jean-Claude said "Like I said, her butlers tried to cheer the poor berry up, but their efforts were fruitless", she groaned at the pun.
    • The narrator said "Maybe later. Right now, it was time to shop".
    • After the cart printed the picture of a lion eating pizza, Bob gave a deadpan face to the viewers.
  • Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed - After the Rumor Weed talked to Junior, Laura, Mr. Nezzer, and Dad Carrot, she turned to the audience and the scenes faded.
  • King George and the Ducky - Louis stared at the viewers when he's disgusted with King George.
  • Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen - At the end, Esther looked at the viewers.
  • Lyle the Kindly Viking - Sven and Otar acknowledged they're in a musical.
  • The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown - At the end, Larry walked up to the camera and offered the viewers some kung pao squid.
  • The Star of Christmas - Moyer said desperate characters in London want the Star.
  • The Ballad of Little Joe - Reuben (Phillipe) greeted the viewers.
  • Sumo of the Opera:
    • Maewyn Succat kept interrupting Lutfi while he's telling the story.
    • Maewyn Succat told the viewers that his name has a rather nice ring to it.
    • One of the pigs also interacted with the narrator.
    • When Mikey told Scallion that he was a great sumo wrestler until his knee injury, Scallion looked at the audience.
  • Bob & Larry's Campfire Songs - During On Top of Old Smokey, Pa Grape asks if they can fast-forward to the next song, then tells the listeners to push the button.
  • Duke and the Great Pie War:
    • A Rhubarbarian looked at the viewers and stated that's Duke's hunky.
    • Nona replied to the audience that Petunia's technically her daughter-in-law and it's complicated and she'll explain later. Nona said it again when Duke finds out that Petunia’s a princess and wonder why she and Nona are poor. Duke said it’s a kind of later which made Nona tell the book to turn the page.
    • The narrator sang and told Duke that the people of Scone were turning against him for loving Petunia, to which Duke told them that it's nonsense.
    • Whenever Duke and Petunia argue, Lucas looks at the viewers.
    • The Abbot looked at the viewers.
  • Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush - When the camera isn't showing Minnesota Cuke's face, he looked down at the camera.
  • Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler - When the King announced Trout solved the case, Sheerluck looked at the viewers.
  • Gideon: Tuba Warrior - Pa Grape suggested talking vegetables to tell him Bible stories as a sign to trust God.
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's - Pa said he's not allowed to eat animals due to the show being for kids.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Sing Along Songs and More - In the live-action segment preceding "Yo Ho, Hero", Luke noticed the bouncing ball that popped up onscreen whenever he said "Sing-A-Long", and finds it annoying. He then walked slowly up to the camera, and when Sarah said "Sing-A-Long" to make the bouncing ball appear onscreen again, Luke grabbed it and threw it offscreen.
  • Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue - Jim, Mr. Dooley, Tom, and Huck talked to the Narrator.
  • Abe and the Amazing Promise - When Sarah stated that Lot ate all the pizza, Lot said "What? It was cheese in the crust!"
  • Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella - There were moments where the characters looked at the screen, usually after a joke.
  • Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving:
    • Larry gave Octavius a Muffin pan.
    • The townspeople sang "Greece, Greece, Greece" after hearing the narrators sang.
    • Larry talked to Nicholas behind him, while inside a basket.
    • Nicholas and Octavius bumped into Bob and Larry which landed them into a carriage.
  • Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't:
    • At the beginning, after Bob brought up Cricket, he said, "I am not a cricket, I am a caterpillar! Well, that is only half true".
    • After Bob said that Gelato had no children, Gelato raised a wooden Barbara Manatee and claimed her, to which Bob replied that it WASN'T a child.
    • When Bob said that ducks made Cricket nervous, he blurted that they eat caterpillars.
    • Cricket said "Help me look for some angels" in the whale, referencing the whale scene in Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie.
    • When Bob called Khalil a cricket at the end, Pistachio yelled that he's a caterpillar.
  • Sweetpea Beauty
    • Minstrel Dave sang to the people at the beginning and to Sweetpea about her being banished.
    • The Minstrels approached the Guards.
    • The Minstrels went and warned the Prince about the scheme.
    • The Scallions called the Minstrels by name when they entered the castle.
  • Princess and the Popstar:
    • After Pepper hit his head under the table, Princess sighed at the audience.
    • As "Vanna" sang "Alone" Mrs. Banana has a shocked look at the viewers.
  • The Little Drummer Boy - Belshazzar said "Cuke Skywalker" after hearing the narrator.
  • Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men - After Miss Lewis covered Robin Good with a blanket, she giggled to the viewers.
  • The League of Incredible Vegetables - After Laura heard the Incredible Vegetables Theme Song, she said "Okay, I get it" before replaying disgusting her.
  • The Little House That Stood:
    • After the narrator said that Bob was only talking to himself, Bob said he could talk to him, but since he's the narrator, it would have been silly.
    • When the dam started breaking, the narrator said that he'll narrate on higher ground.
    • In the 2nd segment, some of the characters acknowledged that they're rhyming.
  • Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier:
    • Some characters looked at the audience, usually after a joke about Whoareyou.
    • Mr. Spork stared at viewers when one of the carrots is selfish with the escalator.
  • Celery Night Fever - Bruce Onion told one of the kids "Hit the road, Jack. What are you waiting for? A silly song?".
  • Noah's Ark - Noah told the squid that he doesn't belong in the Bible story of Noah's Ark, and that he could return for Job.

Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie

  • Laura whispered in awe "I get to meet Twippo." to the audience.
  • Pa Grape said to Mr. Lunt that he "can never tell where you're looking." Mr. Lunt reprimanded him that "You should talk!" Both Pa Grape and Mr. Lunt don't have visible eyes.
  • Khalil waved goodbye to the audience as he got eaten by the whale.
  • At the very end, Khalil grinned at the audience.
  • During the credits, Larry, Mr. Lunt and Pa Grape sang the "Credits Song". The lyrics described how the song "runs under the credits" and "has nothing to do with the movie".
  • The characters also broke the fourth wall during the outtakes. One particular example is a porcupine shooting its quills at the cameraman.

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie

  • When Sedgewick was running away from the cheese curls, he asked "What kind of a crazy B-movie am I in?"
  • At the tail end of the credits, an evil cheese curl appeared onscreen and ate the camera.

Netflix Series

VeggieTales in the House

Season 1
  • Sorry, We're Closed Today - Archibald winked at the audience before Larry sang.
  • Bob and Larry Gettin' Angry - After Bob and Larry fell asleep, Petunia gave a confused look to the audience.
  • The Gong Heard 'Round the House - Archibald looked at the audience while Jimmy is talking.
  • Lie-Monade - Archibald said he's not in the episode.
  • Let's Build a Fort! - Mr. Lunt stated that he delivers packages in the episode.
  • Bacon and Ice Cream -
    • After Bacon Bill jumped on Larry and said "This is gonna be epically majestical", Larry gave a grumpy look to the audience.
    • The Ice Cream on Ichabeezer's nose bounces off his nose because of the closing iris and the ice cream is on the black screen while Ichabeezer yells "NO"
  • The Rich Young Comic Ruler - Archibald looked at the audience while Larry is talking.
  • You, Me and Tiny Pea -
    • Larry told the viewers "Never eat every marshmallow in the world, kids."
    • After Larry paid for his Hot Sauce to gargle, Bob groaned at the audience.
Season 2
  • The Guppy Whisperer: At the very end, Happy Sunshine Bubbles winked at the audience.
  • Ready for Action - Mr. Lunt said he could continue to be making deliveries in every episode.
  • Plant-demonium! - Mr. Lunt told the viewers "There's something you don't see every day."
  • Callie Flower (episode) - When the song is beginning, Cornellius asked where the music was coming from.
  • World of Whiners - Mr. Lunt said that he's the only character with no eyes after he screamed.
  • Spacetato - When Motato said that you can fit one million Earths inside of the sun, he reiterated this fact to the viewers and told them to look it up.
Season 3
  • Takeasaurus - Takeasaurus broke the fourth wall by saying he has Netflix when Larry asked him how he knew his name.
  • Ichabeezer's Granddaughter - Ichabeezer said that Laura training him to be a better grandpa would make a great episode.
  • Laura's Animal Babysitting Service -
    • Pa Grape told Laura his store is destroyed every episode, which isn't entirely true.
    • Laura also asked the animals if they think that they're in a cartoon.
    • When Happy Sunshine Bubbles grabbed a penny, she shushed the audience and laughed and jumped into the fountain.
    • When Happy Sunshine Bubbles showed he stole a penny, Laura gave a sour look to the audience.
  • The Painting - Larry said "Hit it Song-Man"
  • The Big Secret - After hearing LarryBoy freak out, Officer Wedge said "Not the reaction I was expecting" to the viewers.
Season 4

VeggieTales in the City

Season 1
  • The Rocket Boot - After failing to tell Larry, Bob asked the audience if they saw him trying.
  • Delivery Boys - First after Pa Grape and Tina review Ichabeezer's excessive Pizza order, they talk with Ichabeezer on split screen which Tina tells him he can't do that and then Larry and Tina talk to Bacon Bill on Split Screen where Tina tells Larry to walk over to Bill which Larry says there's physical laws to follow so Tina tries that only to hit herself in the face on the split screen.
  • Where's the Mayor - At the end Madame Clueberry said "Until the mystery, Clueberry Out!" to the viewers as the episode ended.
Season 2
  • Stranded - After Larry asked Bob if a storm caused them to put them on a deserted island and Bob told him that only happened on TV shows.
  • Bringing Home the Bacon - Bob told Bacon Bill that he was in the show for three years.

The VeggieTales Show

3-2-1 Penguins!

  • Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn:
    • After Zidgel told Jason about being twice his size, Jason looked at the viewers.
    • While Kevin was taking the vacuum citizen back in line, Zidgel stared at them for a while until he realized that he's not looking straight. So he stared at the audience is worry-type smile.
    • Jason would look at the audience over the landed gear.
  • The Cheating Scales of Bullamanka:
    • After Fidgel mentioned "ombudsmen", the scene paused with a voiceover describing the word. While that was happening, Kevin (as seen in the image above) is the only one that's not paused. He later used Fidgel's pen to scribble "men" out and replace it with "penguins". The scribble marks still stay on-screen for the rest of the scene after it's unpaused, until Kevin erased it a few seconds later.
    • Fair and Square - The penguins mentioned that the Lizard King was the one who cheated in the episode.
  • The Doom Funnel Rescue!:
    • After Zidgel talked about Scaly Slim in Spaceship Drivin' Man, said character replied with "And I don't always floss."
    • As the Cowboy announced the race, Zidgel interrupted him and explained the rules before the Cowboy asked if they're ready.
  • Give and Let Give - When Fidgel asks Midgel to get him unstuck, the latter smiled sheepishly to the viewers.
  • Comedy of Errors - Fidgel notices Kevin eating fishy marshmallows and is disgusted by this, asking him "How can you eat those?". Kevin responds with "I'm a penguin." before looking at the camera while smiling. This leads Fidgel to give a disgusted look to the camera.
  • Invasion of the Body Swappers!:
    • Zidgel mentioned in his song that he made girls swoon, even for a cartoon.
    • Towards the end before the kids were back at Grandmums', Zidgel asked Sol what the dip is made of since he's allergic to avocado. Sol just looked at the audience.
  • Git Along Little Doggies! - While Fidgel was correcting Jason and Michelle's behavior, Kevin passed by two times and during the second time waved to the viewers.
  • Oh, Mercy! - The Gator King asked the audience if he knew his Bible.

LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures

  • LarryBoy and the Emperor of Envy - This book contained a lot of fourth wall jokes.
  • LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows - After the Narrator said "Thanks to the Cucumber of Steel", Larry then replied that that was him.
  • Leggo My Ego!:
    • Officer Olaf said to the narrator "Hey! No little jokes!" then the narrator apologized.
    • Later, at the end, the Narrator told LarryBoy that he's the best and called him Pickle-Boy, LarryBoy yelled "HEY!" and the narrator was only kidding then he laughed with Officer Olaf.
  • The Yodelnapper!:
    • As Greta took Einger away, LarryBoy said "Drat" to the audience.
    • Greta dramatically said to the viewers "We'll just see about that" about Noodle not being afraid of being yodelnapped at all.
    • At the very end, LarryBoy, in the Crazy Clay's hand, smiled at the camera.




3-2-1 Penguins!

LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures

VeggieTales in the House
